Stanley clicked on an article titled ‘The Stanley Parable Article’. It was an interesting introspective on The Stanley Parable and its various iterations. ‘How fascinating’, he thought.

Stanley wasn’t sure what to expect from an article with such a simple title. Clearly, the article was meant for him to read, but what was its purpose? Some grand scheme to show off a phenomenal narrative masterpiece? Or perhaps just the mad ravings of a lunatic on a niche game about choices and free will? Stanley wasn’t sure, but he’d learn nothing from just sitting there. He decided to read past the first paragraph. 

All media courtesy of Crows, Crows, Crows

The Stanley Parable is a highly interactive game made in the Unity Source engine by Galactic Cafe, and released on July 31, 2011. The brainchild of Davey Wrenden and William Pugh (who later went on to help make this ridiculously long titled game), The Stanley Parable has been updated and improved multiple times, going from what was originally a Half-Life 2 mod to a fully independent remake in 2013, with the mysterious Ultra Deluxe version in the works, having been delayed from a 2019 release all the way to an unspecified 2021 release. Seriously, where is it. There’s been enough teasing and trailers on their website  to promise something big, and I’m ready to sass the Narrator with Stanley once again. 

But the point remains – what is The Stanley Parable? A point that eludes my parents whenever I go on a particularly inspired tangent about it, The Stanley Parable is a game where you are allowed, and expected, to thwart the Narrator. To entertain that little voice that asks ‘what would happen if I did this instead?’, ‘What if I went the other way?’, ‘What if I interrupted his monologue and did this?’. It’s a game about the Player vs. The Narrator, designed to mess with gamers head’s and expectations when it comes to how to interact with games as a whole. After all, if a Narrator is telling you what to do, and you just do it, are you really playing a game, or following instructions?

With 19 distinct and unique endings, all accompanied by voice actor Kevan Brighting as our Narrator, The Stanley Parable made quite the splash when it first debuted, and stands the test of time for new players today, while older fans wait with baited breath for The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe to knock us off our feet once again. Will you follow the Narrator’s lead, making your way through the strange Mind-Control Facility towards the Freedom Ending, or will you diverge for a trip to the Confusion Ending? Maybe you will persevere through the Games Ending to unlock the Art Ending, and speak with the Essence of Divine Art? Or maybe wall glitches and cheats are more your speed, in which case the Window Ending or the Serious Ending may entice you more. Have no idea what I’m talking about? The game is an experience, and I wouldn’t want to take it away from you, so please, check it out for yourself. Play how you want, and see what happens.

Stanley sat back in his chair. ‘What a great article,’ he thought to himself. ‘Truly, an excellent way to highlight a pivotal moment in gaming history for player choice, the concept of creators vs. their players, and fate.’ But what now? Leave a comment, asking for more Stanley Parable articles, or perhaps voicing your own thoughts on the narrative structures of modern gaming? Should he share the article with others, to spread the word about this wonderful game? Or would that seem selfish and annoying, seeing as the article was about him in the first place? Stanley wasn’t sure, but the choice was his. What would he do?

Awaiting input…

Originally written on April 14th, 2021. The Ultra Deluxe Edition was later released on April 27th, 2022.

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