Extra Life, Work, and moving forward

It’s been nearly a year since I’ve updated here… 2020/2021 really took it out of everyone, huh?

  • Writing for StropsE has died off, as it’s been absorbed into syft.gg more thoroughly, so all my articles I’ve written there can now be found at here. I’m no longer actively writing articles there, but I’m still proud of a lot of my previous work there, so consider giving it a read if you have the time.
  • As of writing this, I’ve been working as a QA Tester for Velan Studios for the past couple months, primarily on their main title Knockout City. It’s been an excellent experience overall, and I’m hopeful that it will continue to be a good one, as well as a foothold in the games industry.
  • I’ll also be participating in the Velan Studios Extra Life Stream on 11/6-11/7/2021. Twitter link to that is here, tune in at 10am on November 6th to watch me play Overcooked 2, or at 7am on November 7th to listen in on my coworker and I player Apotheker (made by my friends over at Pine Drake Games, check them out if you haven’t yet as well)
Knockout City Extra Life Stream Schedule

And as for moving forward? It’s hard to say. I like writing and thinking about games, and I hope to keep doing it, it’s just a matter of finding time around my QA job, as that has to come first. I’ll keep drafting here when I have time, maybe do a couple more independent articles when I have the chance, who knows. With this past year being so unpredictable, the best I can do is set one foot in front of the other and just keep on keeping on, one day, one week, one month at a time.

Stay safe, and stay well!

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